2021年11月15日 星期一

Tailors (BaoTou) in Mirador for CMT suit

省錢找包頭(裁縫)來料加工訂造西裝 CMT suit 
Tailors (BaoTou) in Mirador for CMT suit


這篇文章是關於美麗都大廈的文化和歷史。 重慶大廈於50年代末建成,美麗都大廈緊隨其後。 尖沙咀的這兩座建築物在60年代初期被稱為現代雙子大廈。 我們可以看到1960年和2020年尖沙咀的街道: 

1959年李小龍~人海孤鴻 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy-w3raikf4

Hong Kong comparison 今昔香港對比 ( 1960 & 2020 ) @The world of Suzie Wong 蘇絲黃的世界 

留意1960年和2023年的天星小輪無變過:1"25 - 9"30 
蘇絲黃的世界 The World Of Suzie Wong 

“七小福” 包括洪金寶、成龍等1960年代初在3/F學功夫。 幾位師傅在 1960 年代已在美麗都開始裁縫生涯,證實了這一點。

這實際上是香港歷史的一部分。 上世紀70年代,“香港製造”已成為著名服裝製造的世界品牌。 美麗都大廈已變成了一座24小時營運的裁縫工作基地,到處都是度身定做服裝的裁縫。除了美麗都大廈,長沙灣和觀塘的製衣廠已是出口世界的服裝製造中心。80年代初,生產基地轉移到中國大陸。直到現在,美麗都大廈仍在全球化經濟中發揮著作用。我看到包頭裁縫仍在做出口業務,例如

4) 國際時尚品牌生產前的產品樣品等; 
5) 為亞洲國家的皇室度身定做的服裝等;
6) 有特殊需求的消費者喜歡直接與裁縫溝通等。 

一些外國客人不來香港試衣,他們有服裝經理提供所有度身數據來下訂單。 包頭裁縫根據度身數據製造服裝。 


當我在美麗都周圍行時,我有一種回到 20 世紀 70 年代初和 80 年代初之間的感覺, 是大廈和人。 這解釋了在美麗都工作的包頭裁縫的背景和性格。 他們年齡在 60+ 70+ 80+ 早已在這個行業工作,他們都有 40+ 50+ 60+ 年的裁縫經驗。 他們是熟練的裁縫,一種技術人。 他們是洋服店背後的裁縫,他們不像客戶服務人員或銷售人員那樣溝通。 沒有像洋服店那樣的服務提供。 他們對相同的產品收取更少的費用。 這是我們的選擇,我們選擇去包頭裁縫,同樣的產品價格更低, 因為沒有我們不需要的服務。 我們繞過中間人,直接與師傅溝通。 我覺得繞過所有中間人(銷售人)要好得多。 一些人需要服務,他們應該去洋服店而不是找包頭裁縫。 如果包頭無市場,他們根本無法生存50年仍在運作。 

English version 

This post is about the culture and history of Mirador Mansion. Chungking Mansions was first occupied in late 50’s, Mirador mansion followed. These 2 buildings in TST were called the twin tower of modern time in early 60’s. We can see the streets of TST in 1960 and 2020: 

A Bruce Lee movie of 1959 was telling a story in HK in the same period of time: 
1959年李小龍~人海孤鴻 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy-w3raikf4

The movie “The World of Suzie Wong (1960)” was telling another story in HK in the same period of time: 
Hong Kong comparison 今昔香港對比 ( 1960 & 2020 ) @The world of Suzie Wong 蘇絲黃的世界

The funny part is the same look of star ferry of 1960 and 2023: 1"25 - 9”30 
The World Of Suzie Wong 

The 7 students of Chinese opera school (七小福) including Sammo Hung 洪金寶、 Jackie Chan 成龍 were learning Kung Fu in 3/F in early 1960’s. This is verified by a few sifu who started their tailoring careers in this building in the 1960’s.

This is actually a part of HK history. In the 70’s, “made in HK" has become the global brand of garments exporting to the world. Mirador Mansion became a building of 24 hours tailor operating workshop, full of tailors for tailor made garments. Other than Mirador Mansion, garment factories in Cheung Sha Wan and Kwun Tong were the garment manufacturing centers exporting to the world. Since early 1980's, manufacturing center has been relocating to mainland China. Up to now, Mirador mansion is still playing a role in the globalization economy. I found baotou tailors in this building are still doing export business, e.g. 

1) shirts and uniforms for airlines, casinos, chain store of corporations; 
2) clothing for TV and movie for US Hollywood, India Bollywood, HK and mainland China; 
3) clothing for beauty pageants; 
4) product samples of international fashion brand names before large scale manufacturing; 
5) tailor made garments for Royal families in Asian countries; 
6) consumers with special needs who prefer to deal with tailors directly, etc. 

Some end users don’t come HK for fitting, they got their clothing manager with all measurement data to make the orders. Baotou tailors produce the garments according to the measurement data. 

Why I talk about the history of this building?

When I walk around this building, I have a strong feeling of going back to between early 1970’s and early 1980’s, it's the building and the people. This explains the background and character of baotou tailors working in this building. They are age 60+ 70+ 80+ working in the industry for their own life, they all got 40+ 50+ 60+ years of tailoring experiences. They are skilled tailors, a kind of technical people. They are tailors behind tailor shops, they don't communicate like customer services or sales people. There is no services provide like tailor shops. They charge less for the same products. 

This is our choice, we choose to go baotou tailors for the same products for less fee, and for no services that we don’t need. We bypass middlemen and we deal with the sifu directly. I feel much better to bypass all the middlemen sales people. When someone need services, they should go tailor shops instead of baotou tailors. If baotou are out of the market, they can’t survive for over 5 decades.